
A History of the Amish by Steven M. Nolt (2003)

Architecture of the Pennsylvania Dutch Country 1700-1900 by Henry J. Kauffman (1992)

Both Sides of the Ocean: Amish-Mennonites from Switzerland to America by J. Virgil Miller (2002)

Descendents of Jacob Hochstetler by Rev. Harvey Hostetler (1912)

Descendants of Barbara Hochstedler by Rev. Harvey Hostetler (1938)

Early Amish Land Grants in Berks, County, Pennsylvania, Pequea Bruderschaft Library (1990)

French and Indian Cruelty: Exemplified in the Life and Various Vicissitudes of Fortune of Peter Williamson, a Disbanded Soldier by Peter Williamson (1758)

Jacob Hochstetler Family Association and JHFA Newsletter

History of Berks County, “The French and Indian War” by Morton L. Montgomery (1886)

History of the First Amish Mennonite Communities in America by Grant M. Stoltzfus (2002)

Mennonite Attire through Four Centuries by Melvin Gingerich (1970)

Mennonite Life by John A. Hostetler (1983)

Our Flesh and Blood: A Documentary Hsitory of the Jacob Hochstetler Family During the French and Indian War Period 1757-1765 by Beth Hostetler Mark (2009)

Speaking Amish: A Beginner’s Introduction to Pennsylvania German by Lillian Stoltzfus (2013)

The Rhine and Its Legends by Alfred J. Pearson (1919)

Who Are the Anabaptists? Amish, Brethren, Hutterites, and Mennonites by Donald B. Kraybill (2003)

Who Are the Amish? by Merle Good (1985)